Speck Pumps-Pool Products, Inc Case Settles for $6,545

Sacramento CA (10/24/2018) – Speck Pumps-Pool Products Inc. (Speck) is a Jacksonville, Florida, based company that manufactures residential pool pumps. Speck sold or offered for residential pool pumps in California, during the time period of January 2014 to December 2017.

This case was the result of a tip from Energy Commission staff. The Energy Commission’s investigation and testing process identified Speck manufacturing, and offering for sale, residential pool pumps that did not meet the design standard.

To settle this matter, Speck executed a Settlement Agreement with the Energy Commission on October 18, 2018, for $6,545.00 as a result of demonstrating financial hardship. The penalty monies are deposited into the Appliance Efficiency Enforcement Subaccount established by SB 454 of 2011 (Pavley). Speck has also agreed to a compliance plan to test and certify the residential pool pumps that meet the design standard and implement a labeling program to inform customers of the restriction on residential pool pumps.